Bianchi Bike Store KOBE
● 対象商品につきましては「コチラ」からご確認ください。
お電話でも車体の取り置きは数日間可能です。 ご検討中のお客様はBlog最後のお問い合わせ先までご連絡下さい。
Please note that while this is not a real-time inventory list, items may sell out depending on the timing of your inquiry.
Current stock status at the store as of today
Please check the bicycle images via the ‘Details’ button.
在庫状況の表に記載している車体の整備状況に 即納可能 表示の場合は、当日納車の予約枠が空いていましたら、最短で来店後1時間半でお持ち帰り可能です。当日の予約枠が空いていない場合は後日の納車となりますので、詳しくはスタッフまでご確認下さい。
展示中 または 箱在庫 表示の場合は、即納不可となりますので、納車まで7日から10日間必要となります。納車につきましては、ご成約後、お客様のご都合に合わせて日取りを決めさせて頂きます。
Delivery Information
For bicycles listed as “Available for Immediate Delivery” in our inventory status chart, if there are open slots for same-day delivery upon your visit, you can take it home as soon as 1.5 hours after arrival. If same-day slots are not available, we will schedule delivery for a later date. Please consult our staff for details.
For bikes displayed or listed as “Box Stock,” immediate delivery is not possible, requiring 7 to 10 days for delivery after purchase. We will arrange a delivery date according to your convenience after your purchase.
Please note that for purchase procedures, pickup, and after-sales service, Y’s Road serves as the contact point. Prices and services may differ from Bianchi Bike Store’s directly operated and franchise stores in Kanto, so please be aware of this beforehand.
定休日:毎週月曜日 (祝日除く)
Bianchi Bike Store Kobe
10 Kaigan-dori, Chuo-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo
Davis Parking Kaigan-dori 1F
OPEN: 12:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Closed: Every Monday (except holidays)
The Bianchi Store KOBE is located inside the Y’s Road KOBE store.